A question as simple as "what color belt matches with white shoes?" can be surprisingly difficult to answer. But we're here to help, and we've got a few different options for you to choose from. We'll show you how to match your belt with your shoes in a few different situations, and provide some tips on how to make your outfit look more polished.


Black is a great color to wear with white shoes. It's a classic look that will never go out of style. It's also a good idea to wear black when you're wearing all white, because it will make your outfit pop.

Brown is the color that most closely matches white shoes, but it will depend on the shade of brown. If you want to wear brown shoes with white pants, a dark brown belt will work best.

A gray belt will match with white shoes. Other colors that work well with white shoes are black, navy, and brown.

Navy is a good color to match with white shoes. It is a classic, neutral color that will go with many other colors. The navy belt will also contrast nicely with the white shoes.

The color purple is a great color to wear with white shoes. It can be used as an accent or as the main color for your outfit. You can also get purple belt to match your shoes.